Your FIrst Visit

Celebrate Easter with us!

you belong here.

We meet Sundays in the auditorium at 
Cascade High School at 
9:00 & 10:30AM. 

The services are identical.
The coffee is free.
And the people are real.

If you're bringing kids this Easter, take a moment to pre-register. This will speed up the check-in process and help us make sure we have enough space and volunteers!

9:00 & 10:30am

Cascade High School
10226 Marion Rd SE, Turner, OR 97392 

Frequently asked Questions:

Mountain View is led by a team of pastors and staff. You can learn about all of them on the staff page.

We meet in the newer portion of the school, with plenty of parking available in front of the two main entrances. When you arrive, you'll see banners at the entrances to the lot, and several signs and friendly faces to let you know you're in the right place. 

We are a fairly casual place. Most people (including the pastors) where jeans, but you can wear whatever you're comfortable in. 

We've got something for every age, Birth - 5th Grade!

Absolutely not. We don’t even pass an offering plate. 

Yes, usually the last Sunday of the month. This is an important practice of reflection and worship. You do not need to be a member or even regular attender of our church to take it, but you do need to be a committed follower of Jesus. If you’re not there yet, that’s ok. We don’t pass a plate or do anything that would call attention to anyone. 

Mountain View is a part of The Wesleyan Church. Click here to learn more:

When you arrive, go to The Connection Point. You’ll see a table that says "First Time Visit," where a friendly volunteer will be ready to greet you and help you feel more at home. Or just ask any team member wearing a blue “how can I serve you” lanyard. You can also ask a question by filling out the connect card below.

If you have other questions or just want to connect, click here:

Can't make it this Sunday? 

We record and upload all of our previous services here:

We aim to worship in a way that is deep enough to challenge and inspire followers of Jesus, and wide enough to embrace everyone. Our prayer is that the hour you spend with us would add value to your life, regardless of where you are on the spiritual journey.